
Can someone please explain to me why it is wrong to question, discuss or even dislike things, opinions, t.v, books, authors or name your poison here.

Who gets to decide the ‘one’ correct view we are suppose to all agree on? People can disagree and still get along, can’t they?

And have authors become all knowing and godlike when I wasn’t looking? Are we no longer allowed to questions their opinions because they write and were published?

Jeeze I honestly like to think authors don’t think that way. I like to think writers don’t want people to just lick their ass and tell them they are great, grand and wonderful. How does anyone grow, change or improve if no one ever tells you what they like as well as what they don’t?

Don’t get me wrong, I know there are authors out there that do think they are the shit and want nothing but glowing, wonderful things said about them. But they are not all like that, right…

There have been two posts, that I have seen, on the AAR boards in the last week or so. One regarding Tiger Eye’s front cover quote by Christine Feehan and one regarding the nerve of one reviewer saying that if you liked Lisa Kleypas you might not like sasha lord.

I don’t care if a person agrees with what they are saying or not but they have the right to say it. Of course I love the two post on the Tiger Eye’s thread one right after the other by anon people. Don’t you just wish the IP addy’s were posted. And the second anon is bitching about, shouldn’t we be talking about the book not the quote – while there are currently three different threads going on about how great the book is.

The two anon posts make me not want to read Feehan and hell I really didn’t think she meant anything by her quote.

I am all for Anonymous posting but make a stupid name and go by it. Own up to what you have to say in some way or don’t say it. If it shames you to be identified by the words you write, then that is a clue you shouldn’t write them. And good god it is the internet just because you say you are an author doesn’t make you one.

maybe I should sign anonymous doctor, I thought about being one once