
oy this stupid piece of shit kept giving me trouble

Either I am too use to live journal or stupid, hell I could be both. But either way – yyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyy I can ramble on and on about books and not annoy the hell out of the people on my lj. Fun!

I ended up creating 9 blogs because it kept telling me the URL was taken. I ended up with redwyne (I think) just because it is my email and has been (in some form) for 11 years.

I shall screw around with this some more tomorrow and try and really set it up. In a nutshell this blog will be about books, shocking I know. What I have read, what I want to read, what I have heard about, what I want to hear about, what I have loved, what I have hated, romance websites and so forth and so on. If I can figure out how to do a nifty list, I would like to, mainly to keep track of my personal ‘reviews’ and reading. hee that will make it easy on me to do the AAR polls ;).

And just a note: I am honest, cuss like a sailor, and pretty much type as I go along. I don’t see a good reason to do draft blogging or live journaling so it is generally off the cuff. So if you are just wanting sweetness and light or deep meaningful insight, this isn’t a good blog for you. Otherwise, lets chat :).

I can’t say I won’t ever talk about other things but most of my personal real life ramblings will stay on my live journal.That is friends locked but if you would like to be added, friend me and email me. http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=coolredwyne

This is very cool and will prolly be neater when I learn how to use it. I don’t really know anyone that reads romance, so the online community is fun to talk with. Of course it will probably be embarrassing to admit how many books I buy and read in a week. Ah well, such is life and all that.