REVIEW: Satisfaction by Lexi Blake

Tweet Veena’s review of Satisfaction (Lawless, Book 2) by Lexi Blake Erotic Contemporary Romance published by Berkley 03 Jan 17 When their parents are brutally murdered,  the Lawless children barely escaped with their lives.  While his siblings all found their...

REVIEW: Killer Charms by Marianne Stillings

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Killer Charms (Darling Detectives, Book 3) by Marianne Stillings Contemporary Romance published by Avon 26 Aug 08 After reading about the Darling brothers in the two previous books in this trilogy, I wasn’t sure this third book...

REVIEW: Arousing Suspicions by Marianne Stillings

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Arousing Suspicions (Darling Detectives Trilogy, Book 1) by Marianne Stillings Contemporary Romance published by Avon 27 Feb 07 These brothers are definitely darling, in more ways than one, of course.  I’ve enjoyed this trilogy so...