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Veena’s review of Recovery Road (Torpedo Ink, Book 8) by Christine Feehan
Contemporary Romance published by Berkley 24 Jan 23 

This series holds an unwilling fascination for me. Every book I read I tell myself is the last, but then I come back for more because, despite the darkness, I’m now vested in the characters. Given the back story of group, darkness is a given, and yet this book is perhaps one of the best in the series as far as the story line: the gutsy heroine who will challenge all comers and a man who claws himself out of his darkness to embrace the light and love to the bottom of his heart.

Master is the numbers man of the club. He is also the only member who has a prison record and a reputation for going to jail to get information or assassinate as needed. Despite the closeness of the members, no one seems to realize the toll that it’s taking on Master, such that he is at the risk of drowning and losing himself.

Ambrielle, like Master, has the skill with numbers and investments. She has a happy life with loving parents and wonderful friends. When she and her parents become the target of a nasty gangster, and her parents are killed in front of her while she is being forced to marry at gunpoint, she embraces the darkness and teams up with Master and Torpedo Ink to seek vengeance.

As it turns out, Czar and his family are being targeted and the two investigations seem to be converging.  It’s war, and Master might have to go undercover into a prison again to seek the information that is needed. Ambrie goes to bat for her man, even it means standing up to Czar.  Thanks to Ambrie, Czar finally realizes how Master feels himself as expendable.

I really enjoyed how the story unfolded.  Ambrie’s character is strong and she’s willing to battle on the side of right.  I absolutely loved the sneaky tricks between the club and Sheriff Jackson. It adds a wonderful light touch to all the darkness that is such a large part of this series.

Grade: B


Kir “Master” Vasiliev doesn’t care whether he lives or dies. He’s a burnt-out shell with no one and nothing but his club. Whatever Torpedo Ink needs, Master will put himself in harm’s way time after time. If he doesn’t make it back, he’s certain everyone will move on just fine.

Investment banker Ambrielle Moore knows her own mind, and she’s not willing to settle for anyone. So when a second-rate gangster and his thugs try to coerce her into marriage—and giving up all of her family’s money—she’s having none of it. Until they turn to cold-blooded murder.

Grieving and enraged, Ambrie is ready to go scorched earth on her captors when Master shows up anticipating a damsel in distress. But Ambrie is nothing like he expected, and everything he never knew he desired….

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series: