If you click on the link for Maureen McKade’s next book, A Reason to Live, you will see a few of my favorite words.

A new historical western romance.

ssqqqqqqqqqqquuuuuueeeeeeeeeeee! It comes out in Sept. Hope it is good! Her main page says she has three books in the works. This one, a follow up aka also a historical western! and then a RS.
Maureen McKade has set up a blog on her site for her next book. She explains she will be using it:

I will be using this blog to post entries from a journal kept by Laurel Monteille Covey–the heroine in my upcoming book “A Reason to Live”. Laurel was a Confederate nurse who kept a journal during the War Between the States, and her entries will introduce her in a very personal way. “A Reason to Live” opens three months after the war ended and will tell the rest of Laurel’s story. Get ready to share in Laurel’s trials, tribulations, joys and victories… Coming in May.