Life ones we just won’t get into at the moment. But it makes for a wicked short attention span and pain that equals sleep.
Hope to have a blog or two up tomorrow. And a review or three… shocking I know. Plus a four book recap of a Sabrina Jeffries reread spree I did while the computer was dead.
Oh and the UPS guy was nice and dropped off a book. We shall talk about the sqqquuueeeing of that when it hurts my head less to sqqquuueee.
And a post about a depressing library sale trip. LOL it is odd how much I think of you guys even if I don’t post. That should prolly worry me ;). Hope all is well with you and yours.
Go play with Bev on her new Reader Network. Looks to be grand fun in the making.
Or check out bam’s badself and check out her new site… well sort of new.