Two questions:

1. How in the hell do you ‘link back’ or whatever it is called. I see it a lot on Romancing the Blog, where a person comments and it is a link back to their blog. Is that trackback? If so how do you do this?

2. Is it a good thing to do this?
I am of two minds regarding this – yes shocking I know. On one hand I find when responding to blogs I am talking too much – yes even more shocking. And I don’t want to take up that much room in someone’s blog. WHY I don’t know since I don’t care how long people talk when responding to my blog. Go figure.

On the other hand, is that just a sneaky like way to get traffic to your blog? Or even if it isn’t your point in doing it, how many people see it that way?

If you don’t respond to the post and then go blog about it, is that shitty to the person who spent so much time creating that RTB post? Right now I generally just link to wherever or whatever got me started thinking on the subject the post is on. Yes I know I over think things…. and that ended up more than two questions 😉

blah I can’t keep my eyes open… I guess five hours of sleep in three days isn’t enough. And damn it I so want to redo and finish the crap I lost when I bluescreen while the computer is playing nice. I turned the firewall back on, changed nothing and it is working fine now. Knock on wood. eh I shall go see if I can get that housecall thing to run now.

New computer is the first thing on the fucking list of things to buy, well after I do something about that job thing.