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Book CoverSandy M’s review of Texas Legacy (Texas, Book 3.5) by Lorraine Heath
Historical Romance published by Avon Impulse 15 Jan 18

For fans of Lorraine Heath’s western romance series, we’ve been waiting a very long time for this story. We get to see Rawley and Faith all grown up with pasts they have to face, if there’s to be a future for them. That’s where Ms. Heath’s writing is always leagues ahead of a good portion of authors out there, especially in a novella. Her character development, even in a shorter book, can’t be surpassed.

Rawley left home six years ago before his feelings for Faith, his adoptive sister – as well as her feelings for him – could go any further, so goodbye to anyone, thinking it was better to just cut ties. He has kept in touch to make sure his mother always knew he was okay as the years went on. But now a note from his mom has him returning home – his father’s health a concern for the family.

Faith has had her own issues since Rawley took off, a lot she’s not proud off, but she now has Cassie, her young daughter. She hasn’t forgiven Rawley for his lack of farewell, and her strong and independent character gives him what-for, despite the way he still makes her feel after all this time. They both have a lot to learn about the other after being reunited.

We learn what happened the night before Rawley made his decision to leave his life behind. Thus, love is still the name of the game in this story. I especially like Rawley’s love and acceptance of Cassie. He’s fiercely protective of both her and her mother, even though Faith proves she can take care of what she loves nearly as well as Rawley. It’s wonderful to catch up with Dallas and Cordelia. The scenes between Rawley and his parents are emotional and lovely to read, especially those with Dallas, who is still bigger than life, just as I remember him from his story, Texas Glory, which is my favorite of the series – Ms. Heath’s skill had me in tears during the reading of that book.

As Rawley and Faith reconcile their pasts with each other, we know everything is going to work out, even when some of the bad stuff rears its ugly head once again. In true Lorraine Heath style, their happily ever after is cemented in the aforementioned love, and this reader closed the book with a happy sigh and a need to start rereading this series all over again.

sandym-iconGrade: A


For as long as he can remember, Rawley Cooper has loved Faith Leigh. But the cruelty of his childhood haunts him and he knows he’s undeserving of Faith. When she comes to him on the night of her nineteenth birthday, they both give into temptation. But the searing kiss reaffirms what he’s always known: he can’t have a lifetime of her in his arms. To protect his heart, he packs his things and heads west.

Faith has always adored the boy her parents took in and raised. But she’s not certain she can ever forgive him for riding out of her life just when she needed him the most. When an urgent telegram forces him to return six years later, Rawley discovers Faith is now a woman to be reckoned with.

As old feelings are stirred back to life and new passions take hold, they both must confront secrets from their past or risk losing a legacy of love.

No excerpt available.

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