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Book CoverC2’s review of Hot in Hellcat Canyon (Hellcat Canyon, Book 1) by Julie Anne Long
Contemporary Romance released by Avon 31 May 16

What’s this, Faithful Reader?? A new contemporary series from one of my favorite historical authors?! I am here for it!! But will she be able to switch gears and produce a truly contemporary voice? Or will it basically be a historical wearing modern clothes? KEEP READING, won’t you?

Welcome to Hellcat Canyon, faithful reader! It’s in the mountains of California and was a gold mining town back in the day. Now it’s your standard quirky small town with some historical flair – like a former saloon that’s haunted by a dance hall girl! Our heroine, Britt Langley, is not a native of Hellcat Canyon. She’s been there a while, but no one knows much about her or her past. Britt works a couple of jobs, but her main job is waitressing at the Misty Cat Cavern (I won’t explain the story behind that name here – it needs to be read).

Since Hellcat Canyon isn’t really on the way to anywhere, no one expects a former TV star to walk into the Misty Cat. But John Tennessee McCord walks in, all the same. Movie-star handsome and looking for a career jump start, JT is in Hellcat Canyon because he has been cast in a new show that will be doing location shoots nearby.

One of Britt’s jobs is with a local realtor – she shows rental properties to potential renters, among other things. So when JT decides to rent a house in the area, it’s up to Britt to show him what’s available.

Oh reader, it would be easy to explain the plot and tell you all the usual reasons to read this book. Instead, I’m going to tell you why I enjoyed it so much – Britt and JT’s conversations. They enjoy talking to each other. The discussions – whether deep and meaningful or full of silliness – are fun and entertaining and both characters appreciate what the other brings to the conversation. It reminds me a bit of the conversations between the lead characters in What I Did for a Duke, actually – I loved that book, by the way.

This book surprised me – it’s filled with interesting insights because the main characters are thinkers, you know? They both are dealing with things from their past – things that are affecting their futures. Both have made bad decisions and are trying to do better; both have been burned by past relationships. Can they move forward? And can they move forward together?

Now for the main quibble I have with this book…there is no mention/discussion/hint of birth control anywhere. NOWHERE. In a contemporary book, I find this astounding, actually. It is such a standard part of contemporary romances (and LIFE) that the lack of it is jarring. I’m willing to give it a pass this time, since Ms. Long is transitioning from historicals (although, hello editiors/beta readers/etc…what the what??), but I really hope she addresses the issue in the next book.

This is a good book, faithful reader. I don’t know what else to say. It is such an enjoyable read! The characters are fun and just different enough to be extra interesting. The world Ms. Long is building has potential and is also different enough to distinguish itself from other small-town romances. The supporting characters are interesting and not caricature-ish. Her contemporary voice rings true as can be. All in all, YAY!

CSquareds C2 IconMy grade: B+ (with birth control discussion it would have been an A-)

A broken truck, a broken career, and a breakup heard around the world land superstar John Tennessee McCord in Hellcat Canyon. Legend has it that hearts come in two colors there: gold or black. And that you can find whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s love . . . or trouble. JT may have found both in waitress Britt Langley.
His looks might cause whiplash and weak knees, but Britt sees past JT’s rough edge and sexy drawl to a person a lot like her: in need of the kind of comfort best given hot and quick, with clothes off and the lights out.
Her wit is sharp but her eyes and heart—not to mention the rest of her—are soft, and JT is falling hard. But Britt has a secret as dark as the hills, and JT’s past is poised to invade their present. It’s up to the people of Hellcat Canyon to help make sure their future includes a happily ever after.

Read an excerpt.