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Veena’s review of Warlock Unbound (Heart’s Desire, Book 4) by Dana Marie Bell
Paranormal Romance published by Samhain 25 Aug 15

The Beckett family, with its witches, wizards, and warlocks with a twist of wolf shifter, is ripe for another Beckett mating. Daniel Beckett, however, has been resisting casting the spell until his brothers force the issue. I guess he’s been right to trust his instincts, since it immediately puts Kerry in the cross hairs of a death spell. What a great beginning to an excellent story.

Kerry, even though she’s a mundane, knows more about the magical side of things than she should, thanks to her cousin and aunt, who are both powerful witches. She’s pretty disgruntled that Daniel hasn’t cast the mate spell and called her to him and is determined to make him wait before homing into his beacon.  Except the near misses on her life take the choice out of her hands, causing her to expedite her arrival in New York.

Daniel and his brothers and sisters-in-law cast a magical circle and attempt to remove the death spell that was activated the moment he cast the mate spell. It turns out that Kerry is not so mundane after all and now that her warlock genes have been unlocked, she’s going to have to bond with a demon or element.

Of course, the evil Godwin is at his evil best as he builds a group of young warlocks under his control. It turns out that he might actually be a serial killer targeting a particular profile of magical women like Kerry and binding their powers to his evil purposes.  I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship development between Daniel and Kerry and the downfall of the evil Godwin, who’s plagued the magical community but particularly the Becketts.

I love the ending with all the magical and shape-shifting children running around. I do so hope that the stories will continue with some of this next generation of Becketts.

Grade: A

If he had a choice, Daniel Beckett would wait to cast the Beckett family mating spell until his life is more settled. But his brothers, worried he’s losing himself to his wolf, aren’t giving it to him.

Daniel doesn’t need a spell to know Kerry Andrews is his mate. With the last of the Godwin warlocks still on the loose, Daniel crosses his fingers that the willful, stubborn, beautiful woman will allow him to protect her.

Kerry is tempted to make Daniel wait, like he’s made her wait for so long. But the decision is taken out of her hands when things start going horribly wrong. A sleeper hex is activated, putting her life in danger—and the only safe place to run is Daniel’s waiting arms.

Once there, Kerry finds a whole new world to explore with her magical mate. But Arthur Godwin is plotting to rip away their newfound happiness. Women who look like Kerry are turning up dead…and it’s only a matter of time before the killer’s weapon hits its intended prey.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in the series”
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