This just in…
Sasha White is running for the cure and would like your help.
~ Sasha is signed up to participate in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sunday, October 4, 2009.
~ Her fundraising goal is $1,000,000. She’s only 20% of the way there and needs your donations.
~ You can make any size donation online here.
~ “It baffles my mind and hurts my heart that cancer is still, in this day and age, such a devastating disease, Sasha said. “I’m not a doctor. I’m not a researcher or a scientist, but I am an ordinary everyday person who wants to help any way I can. I’m not a millionaire, who has lots of money to donate, but I do believe that if we all give a little, it can add up and it will make a difference.”
Consider yourself flashed.