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DuckFlashThis just in…

Kensington Publishing is making some much needed changes to their Zebra Debut line. Both the look of their books and the price are affected.

~ The price break of trying a new author’s debut Zebra book is rising from $3.99 to $4.99 and that author’s second published book will go from $4.99 to $5.99.

~ And Zebra covers are getting a brand new look. Besides removing the ever-present price from the front cover of their debut books, it seems as though you’ll now be buying books that give the feel of the genre you’re wanting to read.

All He Desires


~ Take as an example Zebra Historical author Anthea Lawson’s debut book Passionate, picture to the left.

~ Compare it to her her second Zebra-published book, All He Desires, which is pictured on the right. The latter is beautiful and looks like an historical.

~ I mean, heavens, if it walks and talks like a duck…er, zebra…

~ Another example is debut author Lori Brighton’s book, Wild Heart. It has also been given a beautiful cover with an historical feel to it. See that cover below. Hopefully someone over at Kensington is getting a raise for their terrific idea.

~ It will be interesting to see what the other genres look like when these changes take effect in August 2009.

Wild Heart

Consider yourself flashed.