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DuckFlashThis just in…

This is your lucky day. How often can you say you can get Hooked, Screwed, and Nailed at TGTBTU! Wanna find out how? Follow me…

~ Amie Stuart is sponsoring a contest with her editor where you get to pick the title of her current WIP, right now titled Screwed. Screwed is two novellas, one of which is Screwed and the other is Hooked. Both are follow-ups to Amie’s most recent release, Nailed. Nailed

~ “While these stories technically have nothing to do with construction or blue-collar work, I’d like to try and keep the theme the same or similiar. It has to be a sexy title. I like one-word titles but short titles work too. Both heroes are hitmen. Screwed is a little on the dark/thoughtful side while Hooked is just damned funny stuff,” according to Amie.

~ The winning title will get an acknowledgment in the book and an autographed copy of the book when it’s released March 2009. Amie will also throw in copies of Nailed and Make U Sweat when she gets her author copies of MUS in August.

~ So head over to Naughty & Spice to check everything out!

Consider yourself flashed.