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Kiss of Fire (Dragonfire, Book 1) by Deborah Cooke

It was tough to pick a winner for the contest for Valenduckie: Deborah Cooke Sets a Passionate Scene. But lucky for you guys we duckies don’t give up! The winner has been chosen to receive what gwen has decided is a very lickable cover, Kiss of Fire (Dragonfire, Book 1).

Sadly we could only award one book but I still have a few nifty postcards that will go out in the prizes I send. Uh, you will have to ask gwen about their lickability.



Please email your mailing address ASAP to redwyne (at) gmail (dot) com and PLEASEPLEASE put “Deborah Cooke’s Valenduckie Contest” in the subject line.

TGTBTU Devil Heart