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katharina.jpgKatharina, blogger and frequent commenter here, shares with us her list of 12 Nora Roberts books everyone should glom (I’m told “glom” means “go buy all the backlist” in book circles)… 


Katharina’s 12 Nora Roberts a’Glomming

After having seen Rosario’s Top 12 Nora Roberts picks, I discovered that my favorites by this author are totally different. And because blog goddess Sybil asked me to, I will do my own Duodecimal of lovely Roberts titles.

Hidden Riches 1. Hidden Riches (’94 & ’04).  I discovered this book years ago when I still read romance novels in German. It was my first Nora Roberts and instantly hooked me on her writing.

Daring to Dream Holding the Dream Finding the Dream 2. The Dream Trilogy: Daring to Dream (’96 & ’06), Holding the Dream (’97 & ’06), Finding the Dream (’97 & ’06).  A totally straight, no “dash of paranormal” series and my most favorite and treasured comfort-read series by this author.

Jewels of the Sun Tears of the Moon Heart of the Sea 3. The Irish Trilogy: Jewels of the Sun (’99 & ’04), Tears of the Moon (’00), and Heart of the Sea (’00). This one was my very first Nora Roberts trilogy and I devoured the books twice in a row before I could read them like a “normal” person. 🙂

Dance Upon the Air 4. Dance Upon the Air (’01).  This first book in the Three Sisters Trilogy is a story about a woman who fights for her life and finds her magic vocation after fleeing from an abusive husband.

Black Rose 5. Black Rose (’05).  Book 1 of the In the Garden Trilogy.  Yay, this one Rosario, too, has on her list. The couple is in their forties and the secret heroine of the story is a fearsome and willful ghost with her own agenda.

Face the Fire 6. Face the Fire (’02). This is Book 3 in the Three Sisters Trilogy. When I grow up I want to be like heroine Mia: different, stunning, charming, magical, self-confident, and in posession of the age old knowledge of witchery and magic.

Born in Fire 7. Born in Fire (’94).  Book 1 in the Concannon Sisters Trilogy (a.k.a. the Born In Trilogy). The heroine is a tiny slip of a woman with one of the most original professions for heroines in Romanceland: she is a glassblower.

Carnal Innocence 8. Carnal Innocence (’92 & ’00).  This was my very first Nora Roberts romantic suspense, single title and one of the last books I read in German before I switched to English. This book has everything a romance addict could wish for: strong characters and a grabbing, nail biting plot in a lovingly detailed small-town setting.

Honest Illusions 9. Honest Illusions (’92 & Jan ’08)is a single title from the early nineties and features one of my favorite plot types, namely about gentleman thieves.

Montana Sky 10. Montana Sky (’96, ’97 & ’06).  Sky is a romantic suspense title with a lovely dash of Western and a to die-for cowboy hero.

Heaven and Earth 11. Heaven and Earth (’01).  Book 2 in the Three Sisters Trilogy has a yummi, geeky, professor-ish hero and a down-to-earth no-bullshit heroine.

Angels Fall 12. Angels Fall (’06 & ’07).  AF is romantic suspense favorite from Nora Roberts’s more recent single title backlist. holly.jpg