glittersyb by mlleelizabeth
Dear Jane and Gwen have almost a meeting of the minds about covers and oddly enough (not) I agree and disagree. As far as the BSA cover and title go my issue isn’t spanking or the nekkid but the image it gives the genre.

bibliophage-by-kathianta.pngI admit it. I know it shouldn’t matter but romance is more than T&A, it is more than nice pec’s, it is more than a fetish and a hella lot more than just sex. I would say the same for erotic romance because if it is just sex more than likely it is just bad and again not what I want the genre judged on. Am I crying out oh why won’t they invite us to the dance? Poor, poor romance genre why is the world against us… no I am not. But using our heads and showing our talent instead of our asses might at least give us a leg to stand on.

bad repI love romance. LLLLlllloooovvveeee it… I love historical romance, adore a good paranormal and think erotic romance is underrated. Romantic Suspense can be done well and a contemporary romance can be believable. I also strongly think just having fun is a’ok. And too often see a great ebook get passed over. Romance is grand. I do not think I could be anymore pro romance of all shapes and sizes. I recommend books I do not like, if I think the person asking would.

To me it is all about the reader, all about enjoying whatever experience you are wanting to take away from the book – NO. ONE. – should ever feel the need to ‘defend‘ their right to like anything. Nor should they have to feel shame for asking for a book because the books title or be worried about what the sells clerk might say when they go to buy it. For each person who thinks a heroine is TSTL there is another person who thinks she is gutsy… opinion is grand.

odd way crazy_in_lost at affairedevaniteRomance can be meaningful, emotional, fun, deep, fluffy, intelligent, hot, flirty, educational, sassy, amazing, kinky, suspenseful, silly and it can make you cry while you laugh as it takes you out of this world. Sadly it will never get the respect it deserves nor will all of the writers here now, the ones who have come and gone or the ones that will be here tomorrow get the same respect as many ‘mainstream’ writers. At the same time many ‘respected’ mainstream writers will never make as much money or sell as many books as quite a few romance authors.

The thing that keeps running through my mind is Chris Rock’s bit about how it is getting hard to defend rap music (another thing I love).

I am so not saying we should feel the need to defend romance but I ask…

“Do we need to make it so easy to disrespect it?”

Or are we already beyond that point? Is it just whatever it is? Is there no line left to cross? If there is a line should we cross it just because we can? What is left? Tight Anal Dreams, More than a Ho, Beware a Scot’s Penis, Klondick Doctor, And Then He Fucked Her… I could go on, there are a hell of a lot of book in stacks around me.
What is your take on the whole thing? Does it just seem like a trade size Harlequin Presents that we should shake our heads over and pay 10 bucks more for?

Anyone picked up the book now just because of all the talk? I do have to say if nothing else, I bet there are a few of you who have pre-ordered now when you prolly won’t have even noticed it before.

And that teddy pig and girls are what readers blogs are made of…