A friend is looking at the IE issue with my blog, cross your fingers she can figure it out! Cuz it is annoying the hell out of me. And it would SO be a bonus if she could figure out why the smart quote thing happened.
cross your fingers and your toes… OH! and the crankyone is working on a new banner for me that made me sqqqqqeeeee go lookie
cross your fingers and your toes… OH! and the crankyone is working on a new banner for me that made me sqqqqqeeeee go lookie
You are right, your new banner makes you go squeeeeeeeeeeee !!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Cowboy moo moo ducks!!!!!!! Yehawwwwwwwwwwww
now if I could just get that IE thing fixed…
I so don’t want to switch templates again!
I love it! Can you get it made small to add to my webpage? That would be sqqquuueeee! 😉
OMG that would rock. hee I a sure I can…
You know, the crankyone, was going to make a banner for the author days and line weeks… but I needed to tell her what I wanted.
I might just use this. ::pooh bear think::