Duncan’s Bride… read, liked and thought it was surprisingly good

Overload… didn’t like near as much as I thought I would from the blurb. I love a good blackout, stuck in the heat oh gosh we must take off our clothes to survive story! What? Like you don’t. hmph. But don’t know. I will think on it more later. My brain is fried.

Sarah’s Child… trying to read… for three days now… uh I want to slap her but feel guilty for it in a way. Not sure if that will get better or not. Or it could be my mood. Which is below suckage at this point.

Who knows.
AAR interview with Howard from 2000 that has the authors takes on Sarah’s Child. And a couple of other interesting things. Did that website go up and come down? Or just never happen?

What were the two category books she did after this book? Anyone know?