Checking in at the very interesting post that spawned my OPP post, (you should also go check out Fiona’s thread on cheating as well – that I can’t find…Fiona?)
Lauren Dane posted an interesting thought regarding Mary in Lover Eternal

Click the saint… warning use of the word fanfic to follow…
Lauren Dane said:

And Mary is a mary sue!

I didn’t see that at all when I read LE. So it made me stop and think about what I think the term Mary Sue means. When I think of it, I think of fanfic. It is the wonderful, perfect, every man wants to fuck, everyone woman wants to be her best friend character named Emerald. Mulder fucks her but she knows he really loves Scully so she unselfishly gives him up (after fucking him) and makes Scully see why she should forgive him for fucking Emerald. And she does because omg Emerald – or as she calls her Em because they are now bestest friends, is prefect and everything Scully ever wanted to be.

OK here is where we learn sybil use to read a LOT of fanfic. A lot, a lot, a lot…. I could title every post with a quote from X-Files and run out of things to post before I run out of quotes. Yes see my OCD in action.

Anywho… Mary or Marty Sue is a common complaint in fanfic circles and has changed over the years from when it first came into play with Star Trek Fic. So I googled and searched about for something that would explain Mary Sue in terms of romance novels to see if I agreed that Mary was well Mary Sue.

closest I came up with was:
Who is Mary Sue?

Does sound about right? Is that what you think when you hear Mary Sue? Or have you never heard of the term before?

A large part of what I think of when I hear the term is:

For some, it is any self-insertion of the writer; for others it is when the character is obviously acting as wish-fulfillment for the writer.

a la LKH and her band of merry men…

So thinking of Mary and what little I know of JR Ward. I don’t see it. If I go with the perfect character that everyone wants and everyone else wants to be like, I don’t see it either. Mary is a flawed character not perfect. So then I thought well maybe it is the overly tragic idea that made Dane decide Mary was a Mary Sue. But I am not sure I see that either.

LOL maybe she will come tell us. So those of you who have read LE, what do you think? Is Mary a Mary Sue?

Other than Anita Blake, can you think of any other character you see as a Mary Sue? Or can you really have a one in original publishing

**xfiles, dd and ga pics posted cuz I can**