How do you sort your books? I realize this is sort of an anal question but I figure I am speaking to the right people ;).

I was given a bookshelf for xmas – really got it early. Then right before xmas ๐Ÿ™‚ same aunt who bought the bookshelf, ended up with another! wwwwwwwwhhhhhhheeeeee And gave it to me.

Very cool sez I. So it has been sitting empty (the new new one) in the livingroom while I try and decide how I want to put up my books. Which leads to – god I really really need to track what I own, trade, sell and like/dislike – which leads to what data system to use – which leads to visions of stealing rosario’s excel sheet – which leads to omg that would still be so much fucking work – which leads to shit I need to finish those reviews – which leads to crap there are 10 blog drafts to get done, which leads to omg I have emails half done to send – which leads to nope in the world cares about the above by me so I just shutting off my brain because I can’t think and or finish jack. And this is just the book part of my rambling mind (you know the hobby) not even including books to trade, USPS and yahoo group.

But today was D-Day (which really makes the 31st thing a pissmeoffIdon’twanttofuckwiththispleasegofuckyourselfandleavemealone issue – blog to come after sometime in feb ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and my mark to start working on the stacks of to do lists, I am not going to take the easy way out and use crap as an excuse. So we lead back to the question ;). And prolly an annoying question and one I see on message boards and such but never really paid attention to.

Sorry… hey I could be asking about who you think should play those Robb character’s in a movie.

How do you sort your books?

Right now I am focusing on the Harlequin’s. Do you group by line? By author? By line and by issue number? By line and by series?

I am thinking, I will do by line then author. But since I love to collect backlists – maybe I should do by author. But other than HH there aren’t many in the other lines. I have found with the blaze and temptation lines, I like the same authors… so I am mostly collecting old and new Karen Anderson, Lori Foster, Alison Kent, Jo Leigh, Isabel Sharpe, Jamie Sobrato, Vicki Lewis Thompson, and Nancy Warren with a few others here and there to try. And I own ONE American – Carol Finch who I own 7 HH’s. I own a about 7? lines because I wanted to try a few different ones but when I looked into them there are a couple that just so don’t interest me. LOL and I do have a blog started on each line I plan to put up at some point… not that anyone really prolly cares but me.

Anywho I think with the colors and such mixing lines would look way ugly. la la la I know nothing I do is set in stone but I was wondering what others did. Or if I was the only fucking crazy person who even gave it much thought.