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Dear Penelope by Sharon Ihle
Wendy has a post up that touches on American-set (including western) historical romances. Well if you read Wendy’s blog you know she does that a bit… one of the many reasons I like her. In the comments the ever helpful nicole touched on a new western coming out. So of course I went off to look for it:

Sharon Ihle an author I have never heard of (who’s website is a lil too pink and flowery for my taste but whatever)has a new book coming out in Sept. A WESTERN! Excuse me while I sqqqeee.


I read the very short excerpt that is up and am sort of iffy on it.

But it is new! And a western! So I will check it out.

Her backlist is full of westerns! So I do as I always do and checked out if any were reviewed at AAR

Tempting Miss Prissy and Untamed looks like they might be fun and worth tracking down.

But I would love to get my hands on THE BRIDE WORE SPURS. Otherwise I am not sure. I am iffy on humor stories and one thing that keeps getting mentioned are the funnys. The author talks about it a lil in her Mail Order Bride Write Byte at AAR.

Anyone read her? Have any rec’s and such?