It isn’t just me!

Tweet Don’t you just love it when you run across something that you have always thought was a really screwy thing you do… only someone else is doing it! I have a nasty habit of doing that. Collecting backlists before I even read one book. sez wendy I love...

Review: The Lady Lies by Samantha Saxon

Tweet The Lady Lies by Samantha Saxon Grade: C- Sensuality: Hot The Lady Lies, Samantha Saxon’s debut novel (The Lady Killer follows in December), suffers from too many ingredients in the recipe. There is a really good story in here waiting to burst free but too...

How much do I love

Tweet that a very very nice girl I work with, who said a few weeks ago she never reads romance cuz it just isn’t’ her thing Is loving Crimson City that she borrowed from me. She came over here a bit ago sssssqqqqeeeeeeing over a kiss in an elevator. Too...